Monday, July 18, 2011

Peeing in a Cup at 8.5 mos. pregnant

Every time I go to the doctor's office, they have me pee in a cup. That obviously seems like a simple task, but when you are are 8 1/2 months pregnant, this all of a sudden becomes very difficult because you can't see what you are doing!! The last few times I've managed to get a few drips of pee on my hand - yuck! I think they should make those cups bigger or invent some kind of better system when your belly takes over!

So, another funny pee related story. I had to collect my pee for 24 hours for this preeclampsia test. I was literally carrying around this jug of pee...awesome! I had to laugh at the instructions when they say to discard your first morning pee and then begin collecting for 24 hours after that. What does "first morning pee" to a pregnant woman really mean??? Is that anything past midnight or is that more like a normal person so like 7am?? Because I have probably peed 4 times between midnight and 7am!!

Anyway, just had to laugh at these little things.


  1. Shoot, I've gotten pee on my hand NOT being preggo. LOL!

  2. Heheh, that's funny :) So did you manage the fill the jug up? Hope the results will be fine.
