Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fertility Article in WSJ

I was shocked to see an article on fertility previewed on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

This woman's face says it all. The pain in her eyes, her mouth, her soul stripped of hope. I know I spent years feeling this way and I know many of you have too (or still are).

Sending love and hugs to my fellow infertiles and cheers to more public awareness about infertility.


  1. I read this article....I worry, though, that this article sends the message that people that want to get pregnant are single women in their 40's who never met the right man. I find that this type of woman is over-represented in discussions on infertility (not that they aren't legitimate in their struggle, just that people don't often hear about young women that struggle with infertility).

  2. RE your prior post: you've gained over 50% of your pre-pregnancy weight! Holy smokes! You're doing such great work for your babies! I hope the timeline of their birth meshes well with your other plans. So exciting!

    What a powerful piece! She captures so much of the struggle; thanks for sharing this.

    And good point, RunningMama, there are A LOT of people from all walks of life in this struggle, who need kindness instead of judgment and blithe suggestions like "just adopt."

  3. i read this article and i liked it, but it also though it might give the wrong message, that those women who use IVF are the ones who waited too long to have kids... i think they should also stress that it doesn't work for people under 40... btw, those belly pics are so cute :-)
