Monday, November 18, 2013

Amnio normal...23 week update

I never got a call from my doctor's office the week after my amnio as expected, so that Friday (exactly 1 week later), I decided to call.  The woman with whom I was supposed to talk was out of the office, so I figured I would have to wait out a long weekend until Monday to hear anything.  However, she called back on her day off and told me they had preliminary results that were normal and the baby doesn't even have the balanced translocation that my husband has.  Completely normal.  HUGE sigh of relief and awe in amazement that this is even possible!!  She explained they didn't have quite enough results to call them final though.  So, on Monday I called back, and nothing...Tuesday nothing, finally Wednesday they said everything was final!  Those were a long few days. I think the final actually came on Monday but there was some miscommunication.  Also, I kept asking to confirm if the baby was a girl and my conversation  kept getting interrupted/sidetracked, so I anxiously awaited the results in the mail to see that "XX."  Finally, 3 weeks later, it came!

I had my 22 week ultrasound last week and everything is on track and baby is looking great - just measuring a few days behind my due date.

I had a wonderful friend (who has 2 beautiful girls) give me all her little girl clothes and crib bedding.  Seeing those adorable, tiny pink outfits is just amazing and exciting!

I had one of my first moments that completely caught me off guard shortly after my amnio.  I was driving by the local ballet studio and standing outside were all these little girls in their leotards and tights.  I had a pit in my throat and my eyes filled with tears.  Being a dancer and gymnast growing up, and knowing I was only having boys, I never thought I would have a daughter who I could possibly take to dance class.  Gulp!  So, so special beyond words.  That being said, I'm sure she'll want nothing to do with dance!  : )

I am still overhwhelmed at the thought of three kids.  I am utterly exhausted at the end of the day with my two 2 year-olds and I pray to God I will have the patience to be a good Mommy to them and my baby girl.  I can tell my patience and temperament toward them (and my husband) are so much worse when I don't get enough sleep, so I can only imagine how the first few months will be. That being said, I am in complete amazement every day that my body is actually working, that my husband and I were able to make this baby without any assistance, and just feel God must have wanted this for our family.  I am nervous about the short run, but so excited for the dynamic of having 3 little children...2 that I gave every ounce of blood, sweat and tears (and money) that I didn't think I have to bring into this world, and this special little girl who is a complete miracle.  Feeling so grateful, and though I don't think anyone is reading this blog anymore, if you are and you are still fighting the fight, hang in there.  Breathe, take the time you need, but dig deep and fight if you heart is telling you to continue.  I truly believe in miracles...and I can tell you that if you hit the re-wind button on my story, I didn't think I would have ANY kids, nevermind be buying a minivan for 3!  I heard these stories, but never thought I would be one of them "on the other side," but here I am.  It is possible.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Amnio update (and IT'S A GIRL!)

So, I did it.  I had the amnio this morning.  And I found out that the baby is likely a girl!  I never thought I would have a girl...all our "normal" embryos were boys, so this is exciting!

The amnio was actually much less painful than I was expecting.  The doctor was cool and calm (a little too relaxed), but that helped me to be calm.  I watched the baby on the screen and could see the needle inside my stomach.  As a sidenote - I was surprised at how high up on my stomach he inserted the needle.  It was less than an inch below my belly button (I guess my uterus is up that high already?!)  The needle going through my stomach didn't hurt hardly at all (probably less than a blood draw), but once it went through my uterus, there was some pressure.  I could feel some pressure as he extracted the fluid and it wasn't necessarily painful, just uncomfortable, and kind of "ok, let's get this thing out of my stomach" kinda  feeling.  Afterwards, I had to get a RhoGAM shot because I am Rh negative.

Hubby and I still had/have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  We have a great chance that the baby is either balanced or a non-carrier, so we kept asking ourselves why the heck are we doing this?  I guess it comes down to the fact that we don't know for sure and we have been on the wrong side of statistics throughout our entire journey.  So, we closed our eyes and jumped.

So far so good.  I do feel like I may be leaking a little fluid (underwear feels damp), but no big gushes and no cramps that they warned of.  Fingers crossed everything is back to complete normal very soon.

And now the waiting game begins.  I am in the middle of potty training my 2 year olds so that has kept me very busy (and tired) so hoping they will help the time pass more quickly until we get results.  7-10 days...tick tock...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Amnio - deciding whether or not to have one

Decision, decisions...  I have spent much of the last 2 weeks waffling back and forth between having an amnio or not.  We had a great nuchal ultrasound at 13 weeks.  Baby looked great, very low risk for all the age-related risks (e.g, Down's, Trisomy 13, 18).  I thought if I got a good ultrasound that I would feel ok proceeding without more invasive testing.  And then I start reading stories about people who had normal ultrasounds, but their babies were born with horrible conditions.  Some lived a few days, some a few months, one as long as 3 years.  I know people feel differently about these things, but for me, if the baby had a condition not compatible with life, I would rather end things now than put myself and our whole family through that type of heartache.  That's part of the catch, though.  We can do an amnio and find there is an unbalanced chromosome situation, but if everything still looks fine on ultrasound, would I really be willing to terminate?  I am not so sure.  The doctors tell me if the baby is unbalanced, and physically looks fine, they will definitely have mental issues, but they cannot tell me how severe.  So how the heck am I supposed to make a decision??

Here is more of what I have learned in my research and what weighs in on my decision:

  • Amnio miscarriage rate is no longer 1% as published is so many places.  It's more like 1 in 200- 1 in 400 and less if the doctor is experienced.  My doctor's office indiciated that they quote 1 in 500 and that is very conservative.
  • My doctor's office feels that any miscarriages associated with amnios are likely because there is already an underlying infection or complications present.  They do an indepth screening and won't perform the amnio if conditions are not ideal (they even question having a cold).  
  • Cost - we are able to get a discount, but even then the amnio will cost north of $1500 which we pay out of pocket.
  • Peace of mind - something in my gut tells me everything is fine with this baby.  It's my head that is getting in the way - the "what if's."  One thing I would LOVE is to be able to have assurance that this baby is chromosomally normal and maybe I can learn to relax and enjoy this pregnancy.  So far, I feel very guarded and I know it's my own way of emotionally protecting myself.
  • On the flip side of peace of mind, I have to ask myself how I will feel if I do miscarry as a result of this procedure.  Will I blame myself?  I honestly cannot put myself in the proper frame of mind to answer that question.  I truly don't know and every time I try and imagine it to see how I would feel, I just can't get there.  As a sidenote, you can also have complications like amniotic fluid leaking and be put on bedrest.  I cannot afford to be on bedrest for the next 6 months!
  • What I will do with the results.  Many people do not choose to do amnios because they know they will not terminate regardless of the outcome.  There are others that know they won't terminate, but want to know, so they can research and be prepared for their baby's condition.  I actually read some beautiful stories about Down Syndrome babies and how their mothers felt so prepared in knowing and told the hospital staff when the baby was being delivered that this is not a sad occasion, but a wonderful, wonderful thing, and this is their baby - so they didn't want anyone being in shock or upset at delivery.  For me, I truly don't know what I will do with the results.  The only way I can see terminating is if things are REALLY messed up (way too much or way too little chromosome material) and if the ultrasound is showing there are major problems.  Outside of that, I think I will have a very difficult time.  As a sidenote, I have also contemplated the fact that I will be 17 weeks by the time we get results, which is no joke in terms of terminating at that point.  There is apparently only 1 doctor in my state that does pregnancy terminations beyond 14 weeks.  
  • My doctor's opinion - the genetic counselor feels strongly that I should do it.  She had me consider the impact to my whole family (my existing 2 children) and the peace of mind I will feel if everything is ok.  I flat out asked my doctor his opinion (he is VERY busy and very skilled at what he does, but doesn't usually weigh in on decisions like this)....I could tell from his body language that he didn't feel it was necessary.  he felt that I would have either miscarried, or something would be showing wrong on the ultrasound with growth being delayed or other issues with physical development.  So, when you flat out ask the doctor, and you don't get a warm and fuzzy...then what??  

With all of that said, I am leaning toward doing it, but I am scared.  Really scared, mostly of making the wrong decision.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Riff in the Fam - need advice

Ok, so this definitely isn't an infertility related post...more like a post on toddlers and family dynamics, but this is my outlet, so here goes....

My BIL/SIL and I have kids 2 months apart from one another.  We thought this would be awesome; that all 3 cousins would be so close and instant playmates (they live nearby and our family sees a lot of each other). Instead, it has kind of turned out to be a disaster.  Their little girl is extremely outgoing.  She runs up and hugs anyone (even people she doesn't really know, which I find kind of strange).  She is happy, independent, and VERY loving and hands on.  All great qualities, but in my opinion, she can be very overbearing (e.g., she tackled me as I am trying to sit on the floor and eat lunch and it sent my plate flying).  My boys are not shy, but one in particular clams up a bit around larger groups and just wants to know where I am, or if he gets in an uncomfortable situation, he comes back to me.  My other boy is pretty outgoing and independent himself, but not nearly to the extent of his cousin.  Anyway, every time we get together, we have this awkward dynamic and it is never a positive experience.  She immediately tackles and bear hugs my boys as soon as she sees them.  They hate it, especially my quieter one and now that he is talking he says, "No hug!" and swats at her.  If one of my boys sits in a chair, she comes up and starts rocking it.  They don't want that.  They want to rock on their own.  She is constantly messing with them and they just want to be left alone.  I feel like she appears to the family as this happy, loving girl; while my boys look like they are total sticks-in-the-mud.  Her parents (my BIL/SIL) don't really try and reign her in.  Often, me and DH have to tell her to leave them alone or suggest that our kids move away if they don't like it.  It's really uncomfortable and I am not sure what to do about it.  Any thoughts/suggestions?

Infertility Never Leaves Us

I know that title isn't rocket science.  I always knew it would be a part of me, but I have to say that the last two years, raising my twin boys has been a top priority and because we weren't TTC, infertility was never at the forefront of my mind, which was a huge change given it consumed me for so many years.

A few things have happened recently that I thought we worth writing about.

1) I am in awe every day that I wake up and I am pregnant.  I am in awe that I don't have to insert progesterone suppositories, take medication and baby aspirin.  My body is just working.  And to me, that is a miracle.

2) I still detest people who get pregnant easily and have no appreciation for how difficult it is for so many people.  My SIL is apparently pregnant.  I say apparently because she has not officially announced, however, wearing belly bands, the size of her tummy, and her comments speak otherwise.  She casually drops in, "I am going to eat and drink whatever I want" as she switches from coffee to coke and a few hours later eats deli meats.  I am not going to judge (ok, maybe a little)...people can do what they feel comfortable in moderation; it's just the lack of appreciation and utter "in your face" attitude about it.

3) Seeing a baby on an ultrasound makes your heart swell and your eyes fill with tears.  I have such mixed emotions on this pregnancy - nervous, yet excited; guarded, yet hopeful.  I can't help but smile and fill with warmth and love when I see that baby and his/her little legs kick and heart beat on the ultrasound.  It is absolutely amazing.

4)  Scared, yet hopeful.  This is definitely TMI, but after being away from home and eating too much over Labor Day weekend, I was apparently constipated.  After a BM, I started bleeding bright red.  It wasn't that small of an amount, but it stopped very quickly.  The next day, same thing.  My google research says I may have a sensitive cervix.  I am also wondering if it has anything to do with the fact I had a pap smear on Friday and maybe my cervix is still not quite happy yet.  Regardless, seeing red blood when you are pregnant is never a good sign.  My boys were up and their normal full-of-energy selves.  I found myself having this sulking bad attitude full of, "this is over" and just wanted to go in my room and close the door instead of play with them.  I was also mad at myself for feeling that way.  I wondered why when just a few weeks back, I wasn't sure I was all that happy about having another child and now I am depressed about the thought of losing the baby.  I still don't understand it all; such a ball of conflicting emotions.  I do think everything is ok with the pregnancy and it was an isolated incident, but the experience showed me that I obviously really do want this to work and I am somewhat protecting myself by having an ambivalent attitude about it to this point.

Ok, nap time is over.  Just wanted to jot down those few thoughts before they escaped me.

Monday, August 12, 2013

First OB visit

I went to the OB today to "confirm" the pregnancy.  Surprisingly they were able to squeeze me in for a dating scan to see how far along I am since I really wasn't sure.  I was guessing between 6 and 9 weeks and it turned out I was 8 weeks and 5 days.  The baby looked great and it was amazing how much of a baby he/she already looked like.  Despite being in those stirrups more times than I care to remember, I was shaking uncontrollably.  The image of my first set of twins with no heartbeats is forever etched in my memory and I think subconsciously I was expecting the worst.

I can feel myself vacillating between being excited and being guarded because we have so many decisions to make and so much to overcome still.  I spoke with my OB about my options for prenatal screening.  He was light on details and referred me to a perinatologist and a genetic counselor with whom I have already met.  Considering the translocation and my "advanced" maternal age at 35, I have to figure out which tests are right for us.  I was originally thinking to skip the nuchal translucency u/s and go straight to a CVS for a definite answer on the chromosomes, but I spoke to the genetic counselor today and she told me a couple of things:
1) their center no longer does CVS'.  They refer to somewhere that does over 1000/year.
2) They do amnios at 16.5 weeks (earlier than I expected).
3) They can see things on a nuchal ultrasound that a CVS won't tell them (e.g., structural issues, etc).
4) She indicated that CVS results can take some time to get back, whereas they can get amnio preliminary results very quickly.

She recommended I come in for a nuchal ultrasound and then if there is a problem, they would recommend proceeding with a CVS.  Otherwise, I could decide if I want a definite answer and they could do an amnio a few weeks later.  I still would rather know sooner than later, but the doctor comes HIGHLY recommended by everyone in the area (in fact, it's almost impossible to get in), they know my history, and their logic seemed to make sense so I think this is the gameplan for now.

I came home from my doctor's appointment to my two boys yelling, "MOMMY!" and wondered how they would handle it if they were no longer the center of attention and how in the world I was going manage them and a newborn.  I still feel overwhelmed at the thought of it, but I know that should things work out, that we will figure out a way and that we are OVERLY blessed to have the family we do.  Things happen for a reason and I know it will work out the way it is supposed to.

As a sidenote - I have no idea how I am going to hide my belly.  At not even 9 weeks I am bigger than I was my first pregnancy at like 15 weeks and that was twins!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Murphy's Law - I'm Pregnant

I am apparently pregnant.  At least according to the 2 dollar store sticks I peed on.  It says it takes 2-10 minutes for results to show and that sucker shined the most convincing + sign at me in about 3 seconds flat.

I am having a really hard time processing all my emotions right now.  We have 2 beautiful twin boys who recently turned 2.  We have 2 embryos in the freezer that have already undergone PGD and we know are chromosomally normal.  When I started the IVF process, I understood that you need lots of embryos and hopefully through the statistics (and God willing) that one (or more) would work.  I was "ok" with the fact that not all of the embryos would turn into babies and we may not need all of the embryos to make our family.  But for some reason, now that my two little peanuts are here on earth and I know they started in that very same place as those 2 frozen embryos (in fact it was the same IVF round and the embryologist just happened to pick my boys to transfer that day.  It could have been the other two).  Anyway, I just feel like they could be my babies waiting there for me.  I have contemplated embryo donation and giving them to research and I just can't seem to get there.  BUT....I kind of always wanted 2 kids.  My husband and I are pretty content with our little family.  So, when the annual fee for embryo storage came, it prompted this discussion and I think we basically had decided we'll wait for now, but maybe in another year, we'll feel like we are ready.  I have also considered transferring just one embryo (because twins are tough!) but I know I will have the same feeling that I need to go back for the last one at some point and I don't want to be well into my 40's by the time this is all done.

So, then came our surprise.  My period hasn't shown up in a while.  Not totally strange because my cycles are wacky anyway.  But, it started feeling like a really long time.  Then, I started having some weird stuff going on...feeling nauseous after eating, not really into my morning coffee, feeling pressure in my diaphragm, and my pooch belly which seemed even more prominent (I still haven't totally gotten my stomach back to pre-pregnancy days).  I started thinking, "Could I be pregnant?"  But I reminded myself that my husband and I don't have sex all that often and even when we do, I know where in my cycle I am and usually try and play it safe.  And yes - I am the idiot that told the doctor after having my twins that I don't need birth control because we tried for 4 years and my husband has no normal sperm and my cycles are wacked and there is not a chance in hell that I am getting pregnant.  INSERT FOOT INTO MOUTH.

So, I finally decided to take the plunge yesterday and used an expired pregnancy test at home and the thing immediately turned positive.  I think I stared at it and read the directions 3 times over to make sure I really understood the test result versus the control area.  I knew what I saw.  Today, I went by the store and bought a new test and yep, confirmed - positive.

So I am that girl that could not get pregnant to save her life and now, I am the girl that wasn't on birth control and oops - got knocked up and have no idea how far along I am.  I heard these stories...I did...getting pregnant on your own after years of infertility, but I was not going to be one of them.  My husband and I are total fertile failures.

I am feeling really overwhelmed for so many reasons.  I know that with my husband's balanced translocation, there is a fairly high probability that I could miscarry.  I also know that I am pregnant until proven otherwise.

I also know that I dropped the maternity coverage on my health insurance and have no maternity coverage.  Awesome planning.

I know I sound bitter and probably like a complete bitch to be complaining on an infertility blog that I am pregnant.  And I do have to admit that I have this flutter of giddy-up that my husband and I actually got pregnant on our own.  Holy shit - we really did it!!  And the smile I can't wipe off my face thinking about little boy and girl names and cuddling a newborn again.  But I am also feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of caring for a third baby, having to pay for medical expenses out of pocket, buy a new car to fit our family and the realization that I might have 2 more babies waiting for me.  I never, ever envisioned myself as a mom of 5!!!

I actually was kind of looking forward to going back to work full time and regaining some of "me" sometime soon.  I love being a Mommy, but I feel like that is all I am anymore.  Being in the financial services industry, I also know how incredibly expensive children are and trying to pay for their college is almost unaffordable these days, but it's something my parents did for me and something I had hoped to give my children.

So, now being the irresponsible person that I am - I guess I have to call the doctor and tell them I am knocked up.  I don't even know the process for a normal pregnancy.

Why does life have to be so complicated?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Yep, I'm still alive!!

I have been HORRIBLE about blogging.  I never in a million years thought I would be one of those people that just wouldn't have time after my babies arrived, but yep - I am.  My twin boys are 17 months now and they are so much fun.  The three biggest takeaways I have had since these guys have been born are:
  1. Infertility was stressful on marriage, but having children has been way harder for us.  My DH and I have always had a great relationship, and actually were as close as can be through the years of infertility. I can honestly say that since the babies have been born, this is the worst our relationship has ever been.  Sad, I know.  I guess it's mostly my fault.  I find myself being resentful he is never home, never spending time with us, always too busy.   I never do anything for myself (which is probably my fault I don't get a sitter).  Then when I get upset and he actually makes the effort, I snip at him for every little thing he isn't doing correctly.  I know I shouldn't, but stress and lack of sleep make me seriously moody.
  2. Kids are HARD WORK.  Now that isn't a surprise, and I was warned that "your life will never be the same," but man - I didn't think it would be quite this hard!  
  3. It is impossible to imagine how much you will love and give for your child(ren) until you experience it.  It is greater than anything imaginable.

Here are my little fellas. As I was walking through Costco this weekend a woman looked at the boys and said to me, "Ma'am, you are so blessed, so very blessed."  It made me pause.  I am used to the "aww, they are so cute" comments," but "BLESSED..."  Indeed, I am.