Thursday, January 20, 2011

Impromptu 10 week Ultrasound

So, I am completely embarrassed, but I broke down and called my doctor's office this morning and asked if I could move up my appointment for next week. As you could probably tell, I have been so paranoid that something is wrong. My pregnancy symptoms have really deteriorated and I feel like they should be getting worse. My belly seems smaller, not bigger. I haven't been sleeping well because of all my head trash and last night was icing on the cake. At 4am, I couldn't take it anymore and vowed to call the doctor's office in the morning.

Long story short, they managed to squeeze me in for an ultrasound today and everything was fine. Thank the Lord!!!! I am 10 weeks today and Baby A was measuring 10w1d with a heartbeat of 167 bpm and Baby B was measuring 10w exactly at 159bpm. Both were moving around. They looked like they were dancing or doing the worm or something! LOL! One waved its arm saying hi!

I really can't even believe it. I haven't even let out a sigh of relief yet because I am still in complete shock. I went in completely expecting to hear the worst. Of course they treated me like I was a mental case and this time I was proven to be one, but better that than the alternative. The doctor even went so far to say that he "really doesn't hear the types of things I'm saying from other women and that I must be extremely in tune with my body changes." I was pretty humiliated and of course my husband threw in plenty of "I told you so's." Whatever! They can both kiss my ass! Truthfully, I have been so wrong about this entire cycle (see - I am still talking in "cycles" and not "pregnancy"), but I have never been so glad to be wrong in my entire life!!

They didn't have time for the OB physical so I go back next week for that. They will listen for heartbeats with the doppler next week, but said it's pretty early to detect and it will be near impossible to differentiate the two babies so I'm not sure next week's appointment will be particularly helpful. I'm so glad I went today. I don't think I could have dealt with no information again next week.

So, cheers for now!!


  1. So glad everything is going well!! You shouldn't be embarrassed - you did what you thought was necessary :)

  2. You shouldn't be embarrassed at all. Some of us have more anxiety then others--and often for a good reason. So glad that everything was perfect!

  3. i'm SO glad you got an early peek and i hope that your nerves are calmed from here on out! i want you to enjoy your pregnancy, girl! the lil ones are doing very well and now it's your turn too! celebrate! :)

  4. Good on you!! Your well-being matters here too. Those people who think you're overly anxious can shove it. I'm so glad you got to see your little beans doing their little-bean things! The NT scan isn't too far off.

  5. I'm SO glad your appointment went well!! I'm glad they could fit you in!
