Monday, January 10, 2011

Ahhhh, Timing

I have been exchanging emails with some old friends and trying to plan a girls weekend. So, as we were discussing dates and destinations, one of my friends drops the bomb that she is expecting #2 and is due ONE.DAY.BEFORE.ME. So a million thoughts start racing through my mind. I feel bad for not telling her I am pregnant. She had sort of been following our journey. She was more in tune with some cycles and not others and this one she wasn' I just hadn't filled her in yet. So, I felt kinda bad that she shared and I didn't. And then I immediately rationalized that 8 weeks was kind of early anyhow and everyone has their own idea of when they want to share. Then I got all excited that I could actually have a pal on the same timeline and we could compare symptoms and doctor's appointments and all. Then I got all pissy because she was so stinking adorable with her first and I imagined myself as a whale next to her as I carry twins. And then my heart temporarily stopped (and I wanted my whale thought back) as I considered the possibility of something going wrong with my pregnancy and hers continuing. I just know that I will forever be scarred by that child's birthdate. But I am going to try and erase that last thought from my brain for now and instead continue to dream of our girls getaway weekend in a few months and both of us with our baby bumps.


  1. Its sad isn't it, these thoughts will never leave us? Once hurt we are all scarred for life....I hope everything is going well.

  2. Oh, it would be so fun for you two to be pregnancy buddies! I'm rooting as hard as I can for both of you.
