Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Left Behind

I feel like I'm getting left behind.

I felt that way before. Most of my friends had a relatively easy time getting pregnant (within 6 months of trying) and then there was me.
But I found new friends, friends with infertility, and then I had a new world where I was sort of "normal" again.
But now, all my wonderful, amazing friends that I struggled through infertility with are close to having their perfect family of 4 and then there's me - still working virgorously for just 1 child.

Friend #1

She had her first child no problem. First cycle off BCP and whaddya know. Second child - they tried and tried and no luck. I imagine secondary infertility must be even harder in some ways because if you've had success before, I imagine it's a tough pill to swallow to admit something is wrong the second go 'round. Anyway, they finally saw an RE, did several rounds of failed IUI's, finally found out she had endometriosis, did a laproscopy and got pregnant on her own. I found out I was pregnant with the twins like a week after she did. So, when her baby girl arrived, that should have been the same time I had two babies of my own. But that didn't work out.

Friend #2

My fellow PGD gal. She has a beautiful daughter who is 3 conceived naturally (how that happened is still an absolute mysery and a miracle!!) When they started trying for #2, she had no idea there was a problem until she started having miscarriage after miscarriage, some in the second trimester. They finally determined that she is a balanced translocation carrier like my husband. However, with the help of IVF and PGD, she recently brought her 2nd daughter home from the hospital and has a beautiful family of 4.

Friend #3

My friend who has been my guiding light through my entire journey - the first person I ever talked to about possible having a problem to sharing details of every cycle. She had her first baby using IVF 3 years ago and was ready for baby #2. Turns out our cycle timing was the EXACT SAME DAY. It was absolutely wonderful to have a friend literally and physically with you through the entire IVF cycle. We had back-to-back doctor's appts, we met at the lab for bloodwork and would get Starbucks before our ultrasound appointments. We were literally next door to one another during our egg retrievals and embryo transfers. Our journeys were lock-step and we dreamed of how cool it would be to go through IVF together, both get pregnant and our babies grow up together. But the journeys diverged when she got the positive pregnancy test and mine was negative. She is delivering her baby tomorrow.

I could not be happier for all three of these amazing ladies. They have been the most incredible friends I could ever ask for. But they have their families now and have to take care of their children and are moving on. They have been through their personal hell getting to where they are and they DESERVE to move on. I just keep wondering when it's going to be my turn.

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