Monday, November 8, 2010

P90X + Period = Bad Idea

This weekend I was feeling bloated and my hubby was doing one of his P90X videos, so I decided to join him. Have you ever tried P90X? Those people are superhuman! I did the video called Ab Ripper X. Big mistake. Aunt Flo decided to FINALLY arrive and I feel like someone has tied my stomach muscles in knots. Headache, cramps, and sore abs all together is so not cool. And I still look and feel bloated. Awesome.

The good news is that CD1 is here and that means we are one day closer to our FET. Woo hoo! I am still so frustrated by what happened this past cycle and that we have had to wait so long, but trying to remain optimistic since we have 5 frozen blastocysts that are chromosomally normal. Now I just have to pray that we have one (or more) tough cookies in there!

1 comment:

  1. Dude. The ab-ripper is intense. I used to do that...back when I was "in shape."
