Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FET Update

I had my ultrasound. Lining looked good and I am ready to go. HOWEVER, we decided to move the FET back a week. My husband is getting laser eye surgery on the day the transfer was supposed to be. Ordinarily we never would have moved it, but this is the last day the doctor could do it this year, and given we have been waiting forever for this FET, what's another week? We laughed at the possibility of my parents driving my half-blind husband and valium'ed up me to my transfer and quickly decided that was a bad idea. So we are on for Nov. 30th! Hoping we have some tough embryos!!


  1. 11/30 sounds like a good day to get pregnant to me! plus having your DH there to help you will be better!

  2. Thanks for the post on my blog, you made me feel much better. Glad to hear that you have experienced later developing follicles. All I can do is laugh at this point. Whatever is meant to happen will happen.
    Thanks again,
