Friday, June 3, 2011

Carpal Tunnel

I wrote about some weird body changes recently and I have one more to add to the list! I think I am one of those lucky girls that gets carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy. I'm not 100% sure that is what it is, but the symptoms I am having kind of seem like it. I started noticing that my wrists (on the inside of my hand) seemed really stiff when I woke up in the morning and that I was having trouble grasping small things, like my toothbrush or my razor in the shower. After the early morning, things seemed to improve. I figured maybe it was swelling, kind of like my feet. But this past week, things seem to have gotten worse. The tip of my middle finger and sometimes my pointer finger and/or ring finger is numb...just tingling and uncomfortable. According to Dr. Google, that sounds a lot like carpal tunnel. Luckily I don't have trouble typing (other than it feeling weird to type with numb fingertips), but I am having serious trouble writing with a pen. Thank goodness I did most of my thank you notes from my shower right away!!


  1. I have a friend who developed carpal tunnel towards the end of her pregnancy. Will ask her what she did about it. Hope its not too troublesome. All else well I hope!
