Friday, June 3, 2011

No News is Good News!

I am breathing a major sigh of relief. I did my glucose test last week and they told me "no news is good news" and I didn't get a call this week, so I am taking that as a good sign. I have been fearing the worst with respect to gestational diabetes and preeclampsia because I know I am at high risk and I have heard so many stories of such healthy women developing the condition. After infertility, I guess I just feel like if it could happen, it will happen to me! That's my luck! But, maybe I squeaked by on this one!!

I am at 29 weeks and up about 30-couple lbs. Babies were about 2 lbs 7 oz. at 28 weeks. Baby A was head down and Baby B was breech. I am hoping that Baby B decides to flip. I really am hoping for a vaginal delivery, but I am really fearing delivering Baby A vaginally and then having to do a c-section with Baby B. I just don't think I want to have BOTH types of healing. I guess we'll see what happens these next few weeks until they get "stuck" in their birth positions and then decide from there.

In other news, we bought a house! EEK! It's been on and off during the negotiations (the sellers had some serious financial problems) and we finally closed this week. We have a lot of work we want to do to the house, and we have been back and forth trying to decide if we should rush everything and get in before the babies arrive (which would be ideal), but we finally decided there is no way we can get all the work done in we'll stay put for now and move this fall. So, now that I finally have clarity on where we'll be, I feel like I can start getting my baby things organized a little better. Except one small detail....I called to check the status of our nursery furniture and it is not expected to arrive for another 4-6 weeks!! YIPES! I guess that is what bassinets are for?!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Big doings! I am so, so psyched for you and your beautiful boys.
