Friday, May 13, 2011

Weird Body Changes

I didn't know my feet were capable of hurting like this! I was a gymnast in my younger years and spent most of my life barefoot. I had tough feet - I could walk on rocks or over pretty much anything and my feet never hurt. But, holy smokes - pregnancy is kicking my butt! I guess it's the weight, the water retention, I dunno.... but my heels are killing me! So, they started hurting about a week ago and then the swelling started a few days ago. My poor feet look like little sausages in my flats. I am going to try my best to stay off my feet.

I started this post on 5/13 and am happy to report that the foot situation has improved. Some days they hurt (mostly my heels), and some day they are more swollen than others (mostly my right foot), but for the most part, if I prop my feet up at work, I do a pretty good job of keeping things under control.

Other bizarre body changes....

  • The area just to one side of my belly button felt bruised for a while and then felt numb (like it was asleep), but that has recently gotten better too.

  • Bloody nose - I don't have full on bloody noses, but I am always congested in the morning and if I blow my nose, there is always a little blood (which is weird for me).

  • Zit headquarters - my poor back and chest. I have no idea why I decided to break out on my back and chest like I have. I guess I should be glad it's not my face, but summertime tanktops are not gonna be pretty!

  • Linea Negra - So, my lovely line showed up about a month ago, but now it seems like it is showing ABOVE my belly button too. Huh?!!

  • General discomfort - I can't sit (or sleep) in one position for too long without getting uncomfortable. My back usually starts to hurt or if I am sleeping, one of my arm starts to fall asleep (because I am laying on it). Poor hubby....I usually push off of him in order to help me roll over. I kind of feel like a beached whale!!
I just wanted to note all these crazy changes before I forget. I really can't complain about any of it. I think I've had it pretty easy thus far and my overwhelming emotion is still GRATEFUL!

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the bloody nose, the feet issues and the linea negra above the belly button! My feet aren't swollen (fingers crossed) but they feel so hot all the time. I bought some kiss my face foot cream which feels wonderful as it's super cooling.
