Friday, May 6, 2011

Capitol Hill Visit

I participated in RESOLVE's Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill and IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!

It was amazing to be in a room full of people (fellow infertiles) and without saying anything, we understood one another.

It was so incredibly empowering to walk through the Senate Buildings and see the signs of offices for people like John Kerry and John McCain. I felt tremendous American pride just being able to be an average citizen, enter these government buildings, and meet with the government officials that represent me. They usually feel like such distant figures on CNN, so to see everything in person was so moving!

I met with one of the Senator's from my state and the Representative from my district. Actually, mostly we met with staff people, but I actually got to meet with my Representative, which was AWESOME! Even more incredible was the fact that he was fully up to speed on the issues. A couple from his district had just been in to see him the week before and shared their story, so it was great that I could follow up and reinforce all the points.

In case you haven't heard, a bill has recently been introduced in the Senate to give individuals a tax credit for infertility treatment. Check out the details here and if you haven't already done so, contact you senator to ask them to co-sponsor the bill. While it would be awesome to have insurance coverage for treatment, and a few states have programs, we are far from a comprehensive solution, so even this small short-term step would provide some financial support.

I always wondered if I would shut the infertility chapter of my life if I ever was "Resolved" but I can't do it. It has forever changed who I am. I don't "speak out" on many things, but I feel like I have to do something about this...for everyone still fighting the fight. ANYTHING to make this process just a little easier.

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