Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tug at my Heart Strings

Being the financial nerds that we are, my husband and I were discussing the cost of our medical bills and tax implications given we are only a few months away from the end of the year. My husband has horrible eye sight and was contemplating getting laser eye surgery. We figured we would do it in a year that we had lots of other medical expenses because once we hit the 7.5% AGI threshold, we can deduct everything beyond that. So our conversation went something like this....

Husband: If all goes well, hopefully we won't have such crazy medical expenses next year, so maybe I should do the surgery this year.
Me: HA! "If all goes well...." We've said that a time or two before! We're probably just getting started on the cost because we're on our last try of shared risk and then we get to pay full freight per cycle!
Husband: Yeah, seriously.
Me: [after seriously considering the question and losing my sarcasm] Actually, we will probably have high medical expenses either way next year. Either we'll be paying for more IVF/PGD or we'll be having a baby [and given we have a high deductible plan since we're self employed, we'll be footing most of that bill] so actually I guess it doesn't really matter if you do it this year or next.
Husband: Well, I was thinking that if we had a baby and I had to get up in the middle of the night, it would be nice to be able to see.

GULP. See - my husband doesn't say things like that. He doesn't think of things like that. He's a tough guy who is busy working, farming, whatever. And the thought that he WANTS to get up... in the middle of the night.... for a baby.... just puts a giant lump in my throat. I'm not really sure why I am so surprised. I mean, afterall, he has been along for this ride for the last 3 years too!

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