Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Sorry for being a horrible blogger lately. I have been thinking about how much I needed to do an update, but have been having trouble finding the time. I spent about 2 out of the last 3 weeks in paranoia again. I kept wondering why I wasn't feeling the babies move. Everyone was congratulating us, talking showers and I kept wondering if this was all going to fall apart. And then I felt them. It has been the most amazing and reassuring thing ever. It's like little fish swimming around. Ever since I felt them for the first time, I have felt them every day since. It's usually when I am working at my computer or watching TV on the couch at night. I keep telling my husband to feel my stomach, but they will never move for him. One more week until my next OB appt. I am so anxious to go back and see these little guys and make sure everything is going ok. It's hard to believe I am almost 20 weeks! I have been feeling great....almost too good. No food aversions anymore, not that tired, no pain other than the occasional twinge here or there. We are narrowing down our crib selection and pretty much finished one of our registries. 2 showers are on the calendar and I have been reading books galore. We're interviewing candidates to fill in for me at work and looking into part-time day care (holy wait lists!!) I feel like there is so much preparation that I need to do, but yet I can still hardly believe this is even happening. I'm wondering when reality is going to set in!


  1. So glad to hear that you are feeling movement! I too have been feeling movement lately and it makes it that more real!

  2. Yay! How exciting for you! I can't wait to feel my little baby move too!

  3. YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! It is the best best BEST feeling in the world. And perhaps the awesome-est part of all? You don't have to wait for an appt with the OB to get it: it's yours every single day. :) xoxo

  4. Very cool! I think that feeling the baby--(ies) in your case--would be one of the coolest things about being pregnant.
