Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Sorry for being a horrible blogger lately. I have been thinking about how much I needed to do an update, but have been having trouble finding the time. I spent about 2 out of the last 3 weeks in paranoia again. I kept wondering why I wasn't feeling the babies move. Everyone was congratulating us, talking showers and I kept wondering if this was all going to fall apart. And then I felt them. It has been the most amazing and reassuring thing ever. It's like little fish swimming around. Ever since I felt them for the first time, I have felt them every day since. It's usually when I am working at my computer or watching TV on the couch at night. I keep telling my husband to feel my stomach, but they will never move for him. One more week until my next OB appt. I am so anxious to go back and see these little guys and make sure everything is going ok. It's hard to believe I am almost 20 weeks! I have been feeling great....almost too good. No food aversions anymore, not that tired, no pain other than the occasional twinge here or there. We are narrowing down our crib selection and pretty much finished one of our registries. 2 showers are on the calendar and I have been reading books galore. We're interviewing candidates to fill in for me at work and looking into part-time day care (holy wait lists!!) I feel like there is so much preparation that I need to do, but yet I can still hardly believe this is even happening. I'm wondering when reality is going to set in!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Trip to Babies.R.us

In one word...overwhelming. I had a friend go with me to BRU this past weekend and help me with what you definitely need (or need 25 of!!) and what is a waste. There are so many gizmos, gadgets and different choices that my head was spinning before we left the first stop...bottles. Different sizes, drop ins or not, ones for colicky babies, ones that go with your breast pump, different nipple shapes and sizes and flows. And then you have the dishwasher rack, the drying rack, the cleaning brushes for all these pieces and parts. Who knew this could be so complicated?! It was fun and exciting, but it was also overwhelming. The other thing I've found from asking around...there are some products that everyone seem to agree on, but in general people have very different opinions about what worked for them. The baby's preferences seem to drive a lot of it and since we don't know these little guys yet, that makes it tough. I'm hoping now that I have a baseline understanding about a lot of it that things will become easier!

A few other things worth mentioning....I am WEAK! I went to climb over a small retaining wall in a parking lot to get to the restaurant where we ate and lunch and I thought my legs were going to give out on me. I am used to being fairly in-shape. I don't know if it was my lack of good work outs, the extra 10 lbs or my change in center of gravity, but regardless I felt pretty pathetic!

Friends have been talking about showers and picking dates. It all kind of scares me. I keep thinking, "I hope I am still pregnant by then." I don't live in daily fear and panic anymore (thank goodness!) but it still feels a little surreal to me.

Started looking at day care options....ugh. My Mom says she is going to help, and hubby and I have our own business so I will have a flexible schedule. I am hoping between me and my Mom that we can cover it, but I am thinking I may need some help 1-2 days a week or when Mom needs a break. Finding part-time for 2 babies isn't going to be so easy. So we'll see...

I am swamped at work, but wanted to take a quick minute to capture everything going on so I can remember this special time!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We have Penises!

17 weeks today! WOO HOO! We had our ultrasound on Monday. I have been so busy at work with little time to write. Everything is great though! I think I am still in shock when the doctors say everything looks normal. I guess I just haven't felt "normal" for so long!!

Heart rates were good, both babies were right on track in terms of growth, we could measure their little femurs and other bones, and confirmed they are making pee! We also confirmed that both babies are BOYS!!! We knew because of PGD, but I just wanted to see with my own eyes. It was so funny...during the ultrasound, one of the little guys put up a hand and pushed the other one. The other one raised an arm to try and block the push. My husband said, "Oh great! They are already fighting!" Too funny! It is amazing they are so teeny tiny and yet are already doing all these amazing things.

We shared the sex of the babies with our families and close friends. Everyone seems so disappointed we don't have at least one girl. As my husband said, "Just be thankful we have ANY babies, people!!" Amen to that!! It's funny how people want to get picky all of a sudden. Oh and they are already weighing in on names. People crack me up how they push their opinions on you.

Definitely the question we are asked most is if twins run in our family. I have been saying that my husband's family does have twins (because they do)....but it's not on the blood side. We'll let that minor detail slide by though!

My belly has definitely popped in the last week and I bought my first pair of maternity pants last weekend and have worn them every day since! HA HA! I am waiting for a box of clothes a friend is sending, which I am hoping will come soon because I don't think I can go back now that I have experienced the stretchy waistbands! : )

Another accomplishment of the week is that I had dinner with a group of "Mom's of Multiples." That was a lot of fun and I think those ladies will be a great resource. It was funny...I casually mentioned that we had problems in the past and did IVF to a couple of people and I got these blank stares. I don't think there was anyone there that had twins as a result of IVF. It quickly put me back in line that multiples does not equal infertility....and not that I thought it did, I guess I just figured that some of them may be IVF babies too. So while I have great Momma resources, they will never know that side of the journey.

I checked out a bunch of books from the library and have a cart full of books on Amazon that I need to order.

We are getting there. This is just now becoming real. A belly and 10 lbs gained helps remind me of that! I really feel great though and just continue to feel so incredibly grateful. I just didn't know if I would ever be a Mom and it's just so hard to believe this is really happening!!