Friday, October 28, 2011

3 months

Where does the time go?? Everyone has Halloween decorations and fall mums...heck it's even SNOWING here tonight...and I feel like it should still be July. I now fully understand what people say when they say the beginning was just a blur!

My little guys are doing great. They were 3 months old this week and are weighing about 11.5 lbs. They are smiling, cooing, holding objects and keeping this mama very tired. We are doing better in the sleep department, but still have a ways to go. I am going to do a whole separate post on sleep training.

I am still pumping and feeding breastmilk (about 4 oz every 3 hours)...and freezing a ton extra. I have filled boxes in my father in law's deep freezer. It's kind of insane what your body can do when it actually works RIGHT....something I haven't been used to for a very long time!!

I recently sent my RE that "Thank you" note....the one with pictures of my little miracles to be posted on his wall. I dreamed of sending that picture and note for so long. In fact, I thought about sending him a thank you note my entire pregnancy, but I was never fully convinced that I was in fact going to have real, live babies. I felt like it would jinx me so I never did. It felt amazing to put that picture and note in the mail. I often wondered how the staff at my RE clinic were able to live in infertility hell day in and day out. A few years was more than enough for me! But then I thought about getting those pictures and reading those success stories....every one has to start by saying "I don't know how to thank you for giving me the baby of my dreams." Talk about fulfilling work and making a difference! Wow! So I guess those successes must be the fuel that keeps them going.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE their fat little faces!! Those cheeks!

    That sounds like the best thank you note of your life; what a lovely milestone.
