Monday, November 29, 2010

Tomorrow is Transfer Day

I have been feeling pretty crappy lately. Just feeling bloated, a bit nauseous, having headaches, just overall yuck. I don't remember the estrace pills or progesterone doing that in the past with FET cycles, so I'm not sure what's going on. To top things off, I managed to catch my husband's cold. I want to be feeling my best right now, so I can be thinking positive thoughts, and instead I feel totally BLAH and am thinking about phlegm instead of happy baby thoughts. I am going to try and tough it out though because ready or not, here we are!

Transfer is tomorrow afternoon.

We have 5 frozen blastocysts. They are thawing to transfer 2, which basically means they thaw 2 and if both don't make it, they will thaw more until they have 2 for transfer. Here's hoping we have some tough ones in that batch that can withstand the 2 biopsies for PGD and the freeze/thaw process. I am secretly hoping that the first 2 embryos survive the thaw and we have the others for future cycles, but of course, I would be thrilled to even have the opportunity to transfer one. I just know how hard it is for us to make a healthy embryo, so each one of them just feels so precious. Fingers crossed for better luck this time!!


  1. That stinks that you are sick!! Isn't it funny how you can feel so different on the same drugs. Good luck, and rent some really good rom coms.

    Also--thanks for your support. I don't know how to survive this pain...just one foot in front of hte other.

  2. Whoops, logged in under my other gmail account. This is DCRunningMama from More Room in my Heart.

  3. good luck today! zen zen zen! it's gonna work!

    so are your embryos being PGDd today or was that done before the freeze?

    good luck!!! sending you lots of positive sticky vibes!

  4. Thanks! Embryos were PGDd back in Sept on Day 3 after E/R. They messed up the PGD test, and then had to re-biopsy on Day 5. By then, it was too late to transfer, so we had to freeze all. I have 5 normal blastocysts waiting. Fingers crossed!! : )
