Friday, December 23, 2011

Quick Update

I am so terribly delinquent in posting. Here is a quick update in bullet form:

  • Babies are almost 5 months old. They weigh about 13 lbs each and are still pretty small for their age (about the 5th percentile). I hope they aren't little runts forever!

  • I am still at home, but planning to go back to work 2 days/week at the end of January. I have mixed feelings about it, but ultimately I think it will be good for me and for the babies.

  • I am still pumping up a storm. I have enough milk for the babies, who are eating 5-6 oz. 5 times a day. I am freezing about 16 oz. extra a day.

  • My Mom is still here helping out, but goes home on the weekends.

  • Things with hubby aren't perfect, but MUCH better than before. Thanks to everyone for their tips and advice. It was so helpful and so nice to feel not alone in my experiences.

  • Sleep Training was the best thing I ever did. Hearing them cry for the few days it took was hard, but getting rest has been PRICELESS.

  • One of my babies has's been our first real challenge. I am trying various creams, oils, etc. and it seems to be improving a little bit, but still working on it after about a month.

  • My guys are SO different from one another, both in looks and personalities. One is independent, the other wants to be held and cuddled. One is loud and talkative, the other not so much.

Hmmm, that's all I can think of at the moment. Everyone says how life will never be the same. Boy are they right! It's been a wild ride so far, but I can't even imagine life without my little guys now.


  1. It's so nice to see your update! Congrats on the well-timed and successful sleep-training. It sounds like a boon in rested-ness for them and a lifesaver for you.

    And congrats on being a milk-making GODDESS! Nice!

    I hope you get the eczema under control that must be a drag.

    Happy holidays!

  2. Amazing breastfeeding goddess, will you teach me your ways? I *NEVER* made enough even for my one! As for little guy was in the 3rd-5th percentil through his 2nd birthday (with the exception of one weird month where he shot up to something like the 40th percentile). But, since his 2nd birthday, he's been consistently in the 25th percentile. I know a lot of kids that were small at birth but they all kind of evened out by 2. Look at it this way: you'll save $$ on clothes because they'll wear them for longer. Glad things are going better with hubby and YES a little time away from them will definitely make you appreciate your time with them least that's what I found. But, I am a strong advocate of part-time rather than full-time work. Having worked full time since my son was 2...I hate it. It's too much. But, you do what you gotta do. Have a great Christmas!!

  3. Great to hear fro you! Sounds like things are going well.

  4. I'm jealous you are a milk making machine! I struggled so hard with making enough milk...Great job though!
