Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little Guys

I am 33 weeks today. I went to the doctor yesterday for an ultrasound and growth check and our little guys are measuring a little small. They both weigh right about 4 lbs, but are measuring more like 30 weeks than 33 weeks. The last few appointments they seem to be falling behind. Last time, it was just their arms and legs showing a little short; now it seems they are smaller overall. They are both around the 10th percentile. The doctor doesn't seem concerned (YET). He mentioned that I am petite (5' 2"), have two babies and the fact that they are both the same size is good and probably means nothing is wrong. However, if they dip to the 5th percentile, he would start to wonder what is going on. I go back in 2.5 weeks for another check. I don't know why, but I am really bummed out about this and I can tell I am already starting to blame myself. Is my body not working properly? I feel so disappointed because I have gained over 40 lbs and feel enormous; yet I still have babies that are "behind." In the back of my mind, I wonder if it has something to do with IVF/ICSI and if they are going to have long term growth problems. Why do I immediately fear the worst?

I am trying my best to look at the bright side. I am carrying 8 lbs of baby at 33 weeks and hopefully 4 lbs is enough that they would be ok if anything happened early. The doctor isn't overly concerned, so I shouldn't be either, right?? Easier said than done.

I am on a mission to lots of healthy food and extra protein. I don't know if it will help, but I have to do everything I can to get these babies big and strong and healthy.


  1. Crossing my fingers for you that everything is ok! Grow babies grow.

  2. 4 pounds each at 33 weeks sounds great to me. It's so hard when we're monitored so closely to not worry over every fact presented by a doctor but I try to tell myself that if this pregnancy wasn't so closely monitored I could still have issues and be blissfully unaware. I hope everything turns out just fine for you.

  3. My cousin's first baby (singleton) was born at 34 weeks at 4 lbs, 4 oz -- she's now a completely healthy 4 year old, and she's tall for her age. And my cousin is 5'11".

    From where I sit, it seems like you and your body are doing a great job taking care of your growing babies.

    But even so, I hope they have a mega growth spurt so you can set your mind at ease. Or at least find something else to worry about. :-)

  4. I think the little ones will be just fine :) Your worry is understandable. I hope they catch up soon.

  5. their weights are on par with a singleton! you are doing great, momma! i know it's hard not to worry, but trust in your body that you're giving your babies all the nutrients and room they need to grow. i hope in 2.5 weeks they surprise you! and don't forget that u/s measurements can be off!

    thinking of you my twin momma friend!

  6. Just stopping by to say I'm thinking of you and will send strong growing vibes to those babies in there. I'm sure everything is just fine. Hugs.

  7. Just wanted to let you know (I've tried posting a MILLION times, but blogger sucks) that my son weighed in the 3-5th percentile at 35 weeks and was born in less than the 5th percentile, where he pretty much remained for the first 2 years of his life. Now, he's in the 50th percentile for weight and 70th percentile for height. They never figured out why he was small and suspected IUGR, but I think he was just "constitutionally" small as my husband and siblings all weighed 6lbs or less at full term. I hope the baby grows, but do know that u/s measurements can be off. I had a girlfriend that had a c-section b/c they thought she was going to have a 10lb baby....who ended up only weighing 8lbs!! Thanks for all your comments on my's nice to know that I am not alone in my PTSD after all this IF crap.
