- Infertility was stressful on marriage, but having children has been way harder for us. My DH and I have always had a great relationship, and actually were as close as can be through the years of infertility. I can honestly say that since the babies have been born, this is the worst our relationship has ever been. Sad, I know. I guess it's mostly my fault. I find myself being resentful he is never home, never spending time with us, always too busy. I never do anything for myself (which is probably my fault I don't get a sitter). Then when I get upset and he actually makes the effort, I snip at him for every little thing he isn't doing correctly. I know I shouldn't, but stress and lack of sleep make me seriously moody.
- Kids are HARD WORK. Now that isn't a surprise, and I was warned that "your life will never be the same," but man - I didn't think it would be quite this hard!
- It is impossible to imagine how much you will love and give for your child(ren) until you experience it. It is greater than anything imaginable.
Here are my little fellas. As I was walking through Costco this weekend a woman looked at the boys and said to me, "Ma'am, you are so blessed, so very blessed." It made me pause. I am used to the "aww, they are so cute" comments," but "BLESSED..." Indeed, I am.