Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Trip to Babies.R.us

In one word...overwhelming. I had a friend go with me to BRU this past weekend and help me with what you definitely need (or need 25 of!!) and what is a waste. There are so many gizmos, gadgets and different choices that my head was spinning before we left the first stop...bottles. Different sizes, drop ins or not, ones for colicky babies, ones that go with your breast pump, different nipple shapes and sizes and flows. And then you have the dishwasher rack, the drying rack, the cleaning brushes for all these pieces and parts. Who knew this could be so complicated?! It was fun and exciting, but it was also overwhelming. The other thing I've found from asking around...there are some products that everyone seem to agree on, but in general people have very different opinions about what worked for them. The baby's preferences seem to drive a lot of it and since we don't know these little guys yet, that makes it tough. I'm hoping now that I have a baseline understanding about a lot of it that things will become easier!

A few other things worth mentioning....I am WEAK! I went to climb over a small retaining wall in a parking lot to get to the restaurant where we ate and lunch and I thought my legs were going to give out on me. I am used to being fairly in-shape. I don't know if it was my lack of good work outs, the extra 10 lbs or my change in center of gravity, but regardless I felt pretty pathetic!

Friends have been talking about showers and picking dates. It all kind of scares me. I keep thinking, "I hope I am still pregnant by then." I don't live in daily fear and panic anymore (thank goodness!) but it still feels a little surreal to me.

Started looking at day care options....ugh. My Mom says she is going to help, and hubby and I have our own business so I will have a flexible schedule. I am hoping between me and my Mom that we can cover it, but I am thinking I may need some help 1-2 days a week or when Mom needs a break. Finding part-time for 2 babies isn't going to be so easy. So we'll see...

I am swamped at work, but wanted to take a quick minute to capture everything going on so I can remember this special time!


  1. It is totally overwhelming, you are so right! We ended up registering online b/c the store was a little too much to handle. Tho, I will say that seeing it all in person to start the process is helpful. Email me if you think of any Qs! I obviously don't have babies (yet!), but we did a TON of research on all of the gear, etc, over the past 6 months. xoxo

    PS I did the same thing with my baby showers. I still have issues taking things out of their boxes. It won't be REAL until there are two healthy babies born, you know?

  2. What a fun milestone! Yeah, the gear stuff can be confusing, especially because it seems like a lot of things only get used for a few weeks. You'll sort it out for your boys!

  3. hi! i have been a bad commenter lately but just wanted to let you know i'm thinking of you!

    i registered recently and it WAS totally overwhelming! :) did you get your shower scheduled?

    hope all is well!
