
Friday, October 4, 2013

Amnio update (and IT'S A GIRL!)

So, I did it.  I had the amnio this morning.  And I found out that the baby is likely a girl!  I never thought I would have a girl...all our "normal" embryos were boys, so this is exciting!

The amnio was actually much less painful than I was expecting.  The doctor was cool and calm (a little too relaxed), but that helped me to be calm.  I watched the baby on the screen and could see the needle inside my stomach.  As a sidenote - I was surprised at how high up on my stomach he inserted the needle.  It was less than an inch below my belly button (I guess my uterus is up that high already?!)  The needle going through my stomach didn't hurt hardly at all (probably less than a blood draw), but once it went through my uterus, there was some pressure.  I could feel some pressure as he extracted the fluid and it wasn't necessarily painful, just uncomfortable, and kind of "ok, let's get this thing out of my stomach" kinda  feeling.  Afterwards, I had to get a RhoGAM shot because I am Rh negative.

Hubby and I still had/have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  We have a great chance that the baby is either balanced or a non-carrier, so we kept asking ourselves why the heck are we doing this?  I guess it comes down to the fact that we don't know for sure and we have been on the wrong side of statistics throughout our entire journey.  So, we closed our eyes and jumped.

So far so good.  I do feel like I may be leaking a little fluid (underwear feels damp), but no big gushes and no cramps that they warned of.  Fingers crossed everything is back to complete normal very soon.

And now the waiting game begins.  I am in the middle of potty training my 2 year olds so that has kept me very busy (and tired) so hoping they will help the time pass more quickly until we get results.  7-10 days...tick tock...

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